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Hello and welcome,

My name is Atilla Vurgun, and I am the Managing Director of the Academy for Healthcare Professions gGmbH. In 2017, I co-founded the Academy with other professionals from the education sector. Our predecessor organization had been working for many years on the professional integration of individuals from other countries into the German labor market. Given my medical background, I had a special connection to people from medical professions and recognized the significant and specific needs on both the job seekers' side and within the German healthcare system. What started as an idea evolved into a concept and ultimately into the non-profit Academy for Healthcare Professions, which is now a recognized and successful educational institution in Hessen and beyond.

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Our Mission Statement

brmi – Academy for Healthcare Professions gGmbH has been dedicated to the professional qualification of women and men with foreign degrees and qualifications (from both non-EU and EU countries) in the healthcare sector since July 1, 2017. The goal of this commitment is to enable immigrants to establish themselves professionally in Germany according to their qualifications and to integrate into society.

The Academy's work is driven by mutual respect and appreciation, as well as transparency and openness, both among employees and towards participants. This attitude extends to clients, cooperation partners, and the public.

​We inform, advise, and support participants in their process of recognizing foreign diplomas, and provide intensive linguistic and professional preparation for language and recognition exams to facilitate their swift integration into the job market.

Our qualification programs are tailored to the needs of the participants. It is important to the Academy to comprehensively capture the competencies and qualifications of participants, considering not only their formal professional qualifications but also their work experience and informally acquired knowledge and skills. We provide appropriate recommendations for career planning and document them.

By regularly and systematically surveying and analyzing the wishes and expectations of participants, we adjust our curricula to meet these needs. Integrative support programs, such as remedial classes (if needed), language mentorships, application training, or participation in external events hosted by professional associations (e.g., Medical Associations, Dental Associations, Health Insurance Funds), complement the course offerings and further support integration into the labor market.

Through nearly four years of intensive work on this labor market-relevant issue of integrating healthcare professionals (currently doctors and dentists, and occasionally pharmacists and veterinarians), we have generated expert knowledge. This knowledge is shared with stakeholders through training sessions, conferences, and expert discussions. We regularly provide detailed information on the recognition procedures for foreign diplomas to performance-oriented entities. This expertise also informs the design and development of new projects, such as programs for pharmacists or non-academic healthcare professions like nursing, medical technical assistants, and pharmaceutical technical assistants.

When designing and implementing new programs, current developments in the healthcare sector, labor market, and society are considered, and content is adjusted accordingly. The Academy cooperates with other institutions (hospitals, practices, professional associations, etc.) to pool expertise and create diverse synergies. In these collaborations, partners benefit from the collective know-how of all involved. The Academy maintains exchanges at municipal, regional, state, and federal levels, engaging with policymakers, business leaders, labor market actors, and healthcare professionals. An example of such collaboration is the development of a professional integration concept for foreign-trained nurses, developed together with the Nursing School of the Nordwest Hospital in Frankfurt, and submitted for funding to the city of Frankfurt.

Due to the current situation during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to the safety of our employees and participants by implementing a hygiene concept that complies with official regulations and is regularly updated. The hygiene concept includes information on the disease, behavior rules, and measures communicated both internally and externally.

The Academy operates with flat hierarchies, granting the highest possible responsibility to individual employees for their respective areas. Together, the team works continuously on the organizational development of the Academy, involving all colleagues in the design of structures. An agile quality management system supports organizational development, ensuring that potentials and opportunities are maximized and improvements and corrections are implemented swiftly.

Given our experience and engagement with socio-political discourses, the Academy is committed to positioning itself politically and publicly on issues such as migration, integration, equality, and the recognition of foreign educational and professional qualifications. Continuous public relations work aims not only to inform about the Academy's current offerings but also to communicate its goals, positions, demands, and projects.

The Academy's work and commitment can be summarized in six guiding principles. These guiding principles are:

Promoting Recognition

The brmi Academy for Healthcare Professions advocates for the recognition of the skills and qualifications of people with a migration background. This also includes their social recognition.

Embracing Diversity

brmi – Academy for Healthcare Professions embraces diversity and reflects the multicultural development of our society. Diversity is valued highly and seen as a benefit to society.

Taking Responsibility

The brmi Academy for Healthcare Professions consciously takes on responsibility—not only towards its own participants and employees but also politically, socially, and societally.

Strengthening Competencies

The brmi Academy for Healthcare Professions strengthens the competencies of healthcare professionals with foreign qualifications by generating knowledge, developing skills, and providing expertise.

Providing Quality

With years of experience and continuous development, brmi – Academy for Healthcare Professions, as a certified educational provider, offers the highest quality in the field of integrating international professionals.

Building bridges

brmi – Academy for Healthcare Professions builds a bridge to licensing by, among other things, removing bureaucratic hurdles and prejudices and creating networks in hospitals and practices.

Feel free to contact me directly!

I would be very pleased if you could direct any questions you have about us, our mission statement, or our offerings directly to me.

+49 (0) 69 - 48007690-00

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