Atilla VurgunAug 153 minPreparation for medical licensing: Why cheap does not always mean good.Es ist nicht so einfach, den richtigen Partner für die Approbationsvorbereitung zu finden. Die Kurskosten sind nur ein Aspekt.
Atilla VurgunAug 153 minApprobation and application for recognition - how does it work?Application for approval/recognition - an overview of the most important questions and answers can be found here from the brmi Academy! ...
Atilla VurgunAug 155 minMedical language learning - which is the right way?BAMF vs. BGS - mit welcher Förderung fahre ich als Mediziner besser?
Rüdiger Maria MüllerAug 125 minSuccessfully Achieving the German Medical License: A Personal Experience of an Indian DoctorThe recognition of foreign medical degrees in Germany is a long and often challenging process. In this blog post, we share the...