Module I
Fachsprache C1
The popular C1 Medicine specialised language course in Frankfurt covers the following core topics.
Medical and Dental Specialist Vocabulary (Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology)
Doctor-Patient Communication (e.g., patient history, physical examination, documentation)
Doctor-Doctor Communication (e.g., medical reports, documentation, case presentations)
Medical Topics (clinical and practice routines, German healthcare system, diagnostic imaging)
Intercultural Aspects of Professional Integration in Healthcare
Specialist Language Skills at C1 Level (medical expressions, grammar, pronunciation training)
Preparation for the C1 Specialist Language Exam in Medicine (information, exam preparation, and simulation)
Exam-relevant knowledge you can gain from the course
The participant understands the patient's complaints and asks appropriate follow-up questions;
The participant can conduct a structured doctor-patient conversation and formulate the suspected diagnosis correctly, clearly, and accessibly for the patient;
The participant makes suggestions for therapy and/or diagnostics;
The participant can correctly and completely document medically relevant information from the doctor-patient conversation in the anamnesis form;
The participant is able to present the patient to a medical colleague in a structured manner, using medical terminology.

Course format
A total of 13 weeks
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 1:15 PM
Followed by at least 1.5 hours of guided individual study
Further questions or interest?
You can find our current course offers and dates in the course calendar. We look forward to hearing from you without obligation.
Phone: +49-69-48007690-12
Mobile (WhatsApp): +49-177-4708827
E-mail: beratung@brmi-akademie.de