Module II
Dentistry revision course
In the revision programme, you repeat and deepen your dental knowledge. It is part of the preparation for the knowledge test.
Case-orientated development of examination-relevant specialist terminology and specialist knowledge including medical history, clinical pictures, diagnostics, examination and therapy
Consolidation and adaptation of existing specialised knowledge in the subjects relevant to the knowledge test: Dental, oral and maxillofacial diseases, tooth preservation, periodontology and cariology, hygiene and microbiology etc. including specialist lectures
Further (dental) medical topics: Clinical pharmacology, pathology, emergency medicine, radiation protection and imaging procedures, professional knowledge and professional law, the German healthcare system
Consolidation and repetition of specialist terminology
Course format
Gesamt 8 Wochen
Montags bis Freitags
9.00 bis 13.15 Uhr
Danach mind. 1,5 Stunden begleitetes individuelles Lernen
Further Questions? Interested?
You can find our current course offers and dates in the course calendar. We look forward to hearing from you without obligation.
Telephone: +49-69-48007690-12
Mobile (WhatsApp): +49-177-4708827