Foreign students at medical universities in Ukraine face special legal conditions that significantly restrict the possibility of completing an internship. These legal barriers are the result of specific legal provisions that regulate access to medical practice in Ukraine. It is important to emphasise that these conditions are usually known to foreign medical students in advance and therefore do not pose any unexpected challenges.
Despite these restrictions, studying medicine in Ukraine remains interesting for many international students due to the attractive costs. Many prospective doctors do not see the lack of internship opportunities as an obstacle, but rather view studying in Ukraine as a valuable opportunity to gain access to international medical standards, even if they later have to continue their professional career in another country.
Legal aspects
The main reason why foreign students cannot complete an internship in Ukraine is due to legal requirements that regulate access to medical practice. According to Ukrainian law, it is necessary to have either Ukrainian citizenship or a permanent residence permit in order to complete an internship. This regulation serves to maintain control over medical practice and ensure high standards in healthcare. According to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’ and the Law ‘On Medical Practice’, foreign citizens are allowed to study at Ukrainian medical universities. However, in order to obtain the right to practice medicine, an internship is required, which requires formal proof of residence status. The degree programme itself is aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills without offering an automatic entitlement to practise medicine in the Ukrainian healthcare system. Thus, although the programme is attractive due to low tuition fees, it is mainly aimed at obtaining a diploma and not at later medical practice in Ukraine.
Alternatives for foreign students
For foreign graduates who are unable to complete an internship in Ukraine, there are various alternative ways to continue their professional career:
Continuing education in Germany: foreign doctors may consider special courses or specialisation programmes at German medical institutions to adapt to the requirements of the German healthcare system.
Internship abroad: Some countries, especially within the European Union, have less stringent requirements for foreign students and offer the possibility of completing an internship without citizenship.
Due to specific legal regulations, foreign students at Ukrainian medical universities cannot complete an internship (internship) in Ukraine. Nevertheless, there are many opportunities for them to continue their professional careers in other countries, particularly in Germany, by continuing their education or completing an internship within the healthcare systems there.