Preparation for licensing needs specialists
Medical professionals (doctors, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, caregivers, midwives and many more) who are currently coming to Germany are “overwhelmed” by the different offers with which they can prepare for the respective medical language and specialist language examinations (FSP C1, B2 nursing, etc.) and for their respective knowledge test (KP).
And of course, the natural reflex is to look at the costs charged by such course providers. This is independent of whether a course is funded by state agencies, such as employment agencies and job centers, or whether it is self-pay. There is nothing wrong with this in the first instance.
However, the following should always be borne in mind:
For all publicly funded measures/courses, there is a nationally fixed average rate of costs per teaching unit (UE), the so-called “average federal cost rate”, which applies throughout Germany and is binding for all providers. Private providers do not have to adhere to this.
Depending on how many teaching units (UE = 45 minutes of teaching) the provider has for the respective module or the overall package, it will be more or less expensive.
Providers who accept subsidy vouchers (education vouchers etc.) from the Employment Agency or JobCenter must also be certified. This confirms the quality of the provider. Private providers do not have to adhere to this either.
This is the only way that private providers or individual lecturers can offer lower prices. However, the quality is by no means tested or certified.
We can also observe that the required B2 level has unfortunately decreased more and more in recent years, and therefore the prospect of passing the FSP C1 with a “cheaper, faster course” is rather unlikely.
Many providers offer “lucrative prices”. Sounds “tempting” at first. However, if you take a closer look, this price is only possible because fewer lessons with direct lecturer tuition are offered. So if you want to compare, please compare the costs per unit of the various providers and check whether the program is certified by an independent body!
Many providers also offer “pure tuition”. This means that you will not receive any further support with regard to registering for the FSP, the recognition procedure, the assessment, etc. In the measures/courses of the brmi Academy for Healthcare Professions, however, there are - in addition to pure instruction - additional programs, consultations and support. All this at no additional cost to the course participants!
However, other costs are also crucial, such as those that arise if the recognition process is delayed because examinations are not passed or formal errors prevent rapid licensing. Every month that candidates do not work in their desired profession costs real money.
As a specialist in recognition support for medical personnel, the brmi Academy for Healthcare Professions offers - in addition to regular training - the following services:
has a supervised and guided job shadowing program. Many participants only really blossom in this phase and improve their language skills considerably,
In-depth advice on the recognition procedure by assessing the documents in advance. This allows us to clarify at a very early stage whether the person has any prospect of recognition in Germany. We advise people with no prospect of funding on possible alternatives and show them ways in which recognition can still be achieved. Very often, we also cooperate with potential future employers, i.e. clinics and medical practices,
We also provide detailed information on the recognition procedure, review the documents, help with the application for the FSP and CP throughout the course,
social counseling and help with questions regarding childcare (KiTa), immigration authorities, housing, etc,
a mentoring program that contributes to the social integration of the foreign skilled worker,
a learning coaching program that helps participants with learning hurdles (e.g. refugees with significant learning difficulties) and, if necessary, provides further professional help,
special job application training for the healthcare sector integrated into the lessons, which gives participants a better chance of entering the job market.
With this program, we offer optimal support on the way to the German Approbarion. We would be happy to advise you on your personal options. Please book your free consulting appointment here: kostenlose Qualifizierungsanfrage.